Just Play!

Just Play!
Inspiring Adult Play in Early Childhood Education
Play is crucial in adulthood because it fosters adaptiveness, creativity, role rehearsal, and mind-body integration.
Just Play specifically targets adults’ play and explains how the adults’ shift toward creativity can influence children. If adults can harness their playful capacities and reap all of play’s benefits, they will be equipped to work with children, design effective curricula, understand children and increase empathy, create playful leadership opportunities, and make significant changes to their programs and organizations.
In play, children stay connected to their childhood capacities that support creativity and innovation. Just like children, when adults engage in play and creative endeavors, they can find that childlike center that cultivates happiness and joy. Play is affirming because it allows us to enter a natural, safe, and caring environment to freely explore our inner thoughts and desires.
Unlocking Creativity: Fostering Adult Play in Early Childhood Education
Just Play! Inspiring Adult Play in Early Childhood Education will guide educators, administrators, and faculty through comprehensive steps to shift their thinking surrounding adult play. It is designed to give administrators, associations, and community agencies a blueprint to redesign programs to increase creativity and innovation and ultimately drive system change.
You can purchase the book at Redleaf Press – Available June 2023
Design in Mind is the users’ guide for a new and better future.
— Jim Knight, Senior Partner, Instructional Coaching Group
Through the intersection of design thinking and adaptive leadership, this powerful framework represents a breakthrough moment in early childhood educational reform. The idea of ‘digging beneath the surface’ as the initial step of the change process is where professional inquiry begins and seeking to solve problems for which there are no apparent solutions is where the adaptive leadership process begins. We should celebrate this game-changing educational innovation!”
— Maurice Sykes, Author, Doing the Right Thing for Children
Miriam Beloglovsky
- Winner of the Tilliwig Toy and Media Award
- Brain Child Award
- Winner of the Teacher’s Choice Award by Learning Magazine
- Bronze Medal Winner of the Foreword Indies Best Published Educational Book Award
- Finalist of the Foreword Indies Best Published Educational Book Award
- Winner of Tilliwig Parent Favorite Products
- Loose Parts: Inspiring Play in Young Children
- Loose Part 2: Inspiring Play with Infants and Toddlers
- Loose Parts 3: Inspiring Culturally Sustainable Environments
- Loose Parts 4: Inspiring 21st Century Learning
- Early Learning Theories Made Visible
- Design in Mind: A Framework for Sparking Ideas, Collaboration, and Innovation in Early Education
- Loose Parts For Children With Diverse Abilities